Introducing our Wellbeing partner – COGG

At Adsyst we are delighted to announce our partnership with COGG (Centre of Gravity Group)

COGG specialise in looking after staff wellbeing. They do this in a multitude of different ways.

At Adsyst COGG is offering the following services to all our permanent employees:

  1. Access to a BSc MSc MCSP Physiotherapist, as our ‘Health and Wellbeing Ambassador’

  2. Physiotherapy treatment and/or assessment sessions in-house in the comfort of our workplace

  3. DSE (Display screen equipment) and ergonomic assessments to ensure we are all working in the most posture-efficient way at every work-space

  4. Mental health support for staff

  5. A monthly health and wellbeing newsletter specifically designed to help everyone become more happy, healthy and productive!

For more information on the services that COGG can provide please see:



Regional SCADA Configuration


The People Matter Charter